The Sport Event of a lifetime is waiting for you June 9-11 of 2017 in Greece. Are you ready?
This is your chance to show that Sport knows no age boundaries and that those who breathe sports, the ones that compete with all their heart and soul are always Champions.
The World Senior Games 2017 with 15 Sports is here and sets to inspire participation of seniors over 50 years of age in numerous sports and activities.
Chess is one of the Sports of the Games and has opened its registration, inviting you to apply latest by the 10.04.2017 (Early birds) in order to achieve better prices!
Although the Age focus of the Games is 50+, all Road Running and Nordic Walking Races (21.5 Km, 10km, 5 Km Family race and 1km kids race) as well as the Social Events and Activities are for ALL included ages from 5 to 90+ (for more info go to www.worldseniorgames.org)
While competition is an integral part of this Multisport Celebration, active participation in sport, recreation and culture constitute our driving force and aim.
Whether you are determined to win or just it in it for the enjoyment, we invite you all to Greece, the country that gave birth to the Olympic Games and athleticism. The City of Vari-Voula-Vouliagmeni awaits you to participate in Sport venues and take in the beauty this place has to offer!
World Senior Games 2017 is giving the opportunity to participants to contribute and to assist the efforts of the SOS Children Villages Hellas to shape a better future for the children.
Bring your energy and enthusiasm and experience the magic of Greek Hospitality but moreover celebrate with us the ideal of Sports for All!
Don’t miss it! Join us today,www.worldseniorgames.org/register
INVITATION: This is the official invitation to all chess players over 50 years old to participate in the Rapid Chess Open which is part of the World Senior Games 2017, held in the Athenian Riviera between 9 – 11 June 2017.
ORGANISERS: Vari Voula Vouliagmeni Municipality, European Sports for All Federation (UESpT), Lefkippos Chess Club.
ENTITLED PARTICIPANTS: Players over 50 years old, with or without ELO.
VENUE: Vouliagmeni Lake, Vouliagmeni.
TOURNAMENT SYSTEM: Swiss 9 rounds.
1st – 5th round : Saturday 10/06/2017 , 9:00am – 14:30pm
6th – 9th round : Sunday 11/06/2017 , 9:00am – 13:30pm
15 minutes +10 sec/move from the first move.
Rapid Chess Regulations (FIDE).
Starting rank will be in order of Rapid FIDE ELO, Standrad FIDE ELO, National ELO, alphabetical.
REGISTRATION FEE: 15€. Register on https://www.worldseniorgames.org/register. Part of the registration fees will be given to SOS Children’s Villages.
Trophies and Medals will be given to the 3 first winners and the 1st woman of the following age categories:
50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89, 90+
a) Result(s) of direct encounters (if all played with each other)
b) Buchholz Cut 1
c) Buchholz Cut 2.
d) Draw.
ACCOMODATION: All registered participants of World Senior Games have special accomodation packages available for them. Booking through the official Travel Agency of WSG 2017 benefits competitive prices in a big selection of hotels in the Athenian Riviera and the center of Athens. More information and the Hotel list at https://www.worldseniorgames.org/hospitality
REFEREE: Marios Anastasiou
MORE INFORMATION: Visit http://www.worldseniorgames.org, http://lefkippos.gr/en/ ENTRIES: Register today at https://www.worldseniorgames.org/register
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